SEX IN THE DRIVEWAY #drink #delicious
You know how I write these long, rambling posts? Well not this time. I spent the entire morning making and photographing Thanksgiving food for a client. Yes, in May. It took more time than I thought it would so now I am writing this “after business hours” and it’s cutting in to my hot tub time. So, I hope y’all will forgive me for not being chatty.
Sex in the Driveway cocktail is a gorgeous color blue. I am pretty sure anyone having sex in the driveway in the summer in Texas would not be blue – I imagine they would be kind of a bright red and their bare skin would sizzle on the pavement. Not a very romantic interlude, you know? anyway, I have no clue why this is called Sex in the Driveway but there you have it. I don’t really understand why the kids’ show Caillou is still on the air, either. There are just some things that can’t be explained.
This doesn’t need to be blended or shaken so it’s great when you need a pitcher of drinks. It’s a fruity drink and sophisticated cocktail drinkers are likely to scoff at it’s simplicity and one flavor note… sweet. Still, I think it is perfect for summer parties because it’s so easy and everyone (except the sophisticates) loves it. Peach and orange flavors combine with fizzy Sprite to give flavor to the rather robust amount of vodka in this cocktail. It’s easy to drink but one of those that can really sneak upon you.
You’ve been warned.
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How To Make Jack Frosty Cocktails
Ingredients :
- 1 ounce peach Schnapps
- 1 ounce blue Curaçao
- 2 ounces of Vodka
- Sprite about 6 ounces
- Crushed ice
Instructions :
- Place crushed ice in a highball glass (or whatever you happen to have.
- add the Schnapps, Curaçao, and vodka.
- Carefully top off the glass with Sprite.