We adore Tex Mex formulas at our home. The young men are continually requesting Mexican when we go out to supper and we as a whole love nibbling on chips and salsa when we accumulate around the table making the most within recent memory together. That is the reason I am dependably watchful for more Tex Mex formulas.
This burrito form is a most loved in light of the fact that it mixes all the awesome kinds of what Tex Mex has an aftertaste like, with a lot of tortilla and stacked with cheddar.
The best part about this formula, is that it's a Tex Mex dish. That is to say, who doesn't love a profound dish meal? What's more, I think this is a standout amongst the best dish formulas around.
Simply look down to the base of this page for the printable formula card and all the yummy fixings. It is extremely an excessively simple goulash to put together and it's ideal for anytime. In the wake of attempting it, you'll likely need to keep these fixings close by.
The prepared burrito meal turns out decent and smooth and I like to serve it with chips and salsa to give the vibe of the Tex Mex eatery around our very own supper table. Expectation you appreciate it as much as we do. This one is such an excessively simple goulash formula that is certain to be one of your family top picks, as well.
Ingredients :
- 1 pound of ground beef
- 1 small onion, chopped
- 1 pack of taco seasoning
- 1 can refried beans
- 1 can cream of mushroom soup, undiluted
- 1/2 cup sour cream
- 1 pack large flour tortillas
- 2 1/2 cups of shredded Mexican blend cheese
Instructions :
- Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
- In a large skillet, cook the ground beef and onion until the beef is no longer pink and drain.
- Add the taco seasoning and refried beans and heat through.
- In a separate bowl, blend the mushroom soup with the sour cream. Then spread half of the soup mixture in the bottom of a baking dish.
- Add a layer of 3 flour tortillas to the top of the soup mixture. You will need to cut or tear the tortillas and overlap them.
- Spread on a layer of the ground beef mixture and top with about a cup of cheese.
- Repeat all of these layers and top with the remaining cheese.
- Bake for about 20 minutes until cheese is nicely melted. Enjoy!